Spiritual Fitness
GodXP Spiritual Fitness
Quantum Healing, Enlightenment, and Awakening the Avatar Within - Darren Starwynn, Author, Healer, Founder of Lightworker Ministry

Quantum Healing, Enlightenment, and Awakening the Avatar Within - Darren Starwynn, Author, Healer, Founder of Lightworker Ministry

SEPTEMBER 14, 2022

Listen on podcast platforms everywhere: https://podcast.godxp.com/1642993/11318896-quantum-healing-enlightenment-and-awakening-the-avatar-within-darren-starwynn-author-healer-founder-of-lightworker-ministry

Darren Starwynn is the Author of Awakening the Avatar Within: A Roadmap to Uncover your Superpowers, Upgrade your Body, and Uplift Humanity. Darren Is not only an author but a teacher and healer, and has lead hundreds of workshops and seminars, he is also the founder of the spiritual organization Lightworker Ministry, https://lightworkerministry.com.

The GodXP Spiritual Fitness Podcast: Level up your spirit, realize more power. Join us as we talk consciousness, spirituality, mental health, psychedelics, psychotherapy, self-realization, and personal development to inspire advancement in our lives.  This is the #1 consciousness expansion show. Together we share stories and seek to discover applicable truth and wisdom for life. With your host Anthony Polanco: Music artist, depression recovery author, and former Christian missionary-turned-meditation coach. Follow us on Social Media: @wearegodxp on Twitter, IG, Facebook and https://www.godxp.com

Quantum Healing, Enlightenment, and Awakening the Avatar Within - Darren Starwynn, Author, Healer, Founder of Lightworker Ministry

Spiritual Fitness
GodXP Spiritual Fitness
The GodXP Spiritual Fitness Podcast is Back! Remember when we'd all just sit around and talk about the connections between consciousness, spirituality, mental health, psychedelics, psychotherapy, self-realization, and personal development? Let's do it again. The GodXP Community is stronger than ever right now. It's time for us to gather and invite achievers and special minds in these fields to share stories and discover some helpful truths together. Hosted by GodXP Founder Anthony Polanco - music artist, yoga meditation teacher, former Christian child-missionary, digital marketing consultant, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu competitor, and author of depression recovery handbook "Get Your Mojo Back".